
Smoke Alarms

Rental Properties  |  Properties for Sale  |  Holiday Lets  |  Owner-Occupied Properties

Smoke Alarms - Rental Properties / Properties for Sale

Upgrade to 2022 Legislation

From 1 January 2022, at the commencement of a new lease or lease renewal all rental properties in Queensland MUST be upgraded to meet the new smoke alarm legislation. If a rental property does not meet the new legislative requirements, landlords will not legally be able to rent their property.

Landlords in Queensland are currently required by law to test and clean the smoke alarms of a rental property within 30 days before a lease renewal or start of a new residential tenancy.  Our service covers the landlord’s responsibilities to this legislation. 

Our Smoke Alarm inspections include:

  • Servicing and maintenance of all Smoke Alarms
  • Operational testing of all smoke alarms
  • Battery Testing and Free Battery Replacement as required
  • Ensure alarms are compliant with the Australian Standard 3786:2014
  • Identifying a Safety Switch is present at the property and if requested performing a mechanical safety switch test
  • Cleaning of smoke alarms with canned air
  • Compliance Statement / Inspection Report sent within 24 hours

Smoke Alarms - Properties for Sale

We can upgrade your property to meet the new smoke alarm requirements so you are ready to sign a contract of sale.

We also provide a Home Sellers Inspection Service for $99 if you are unsure if your smoke alarms meet the new legislative requirements.

Smoke Alarms - Holiday Lets

Our Holiday Lets Annual Subscription keeps your guests and investment property safer.

It is not a legal requirement for holiday lets in Queensland to meet the new smoke alarm legislation until 2027.  However, upgrading your property to this legislation would improve the safety of both your guests and investment property.

Smoke Alarms - Owner-Occupied Properties

When was the last time you tested your smoke alarm?

Did you know that smoke alarms only have a 10-year lifespan? Coast Smoke Alarms offer a Smoke Alarm Safety Check for $99 to help you have peace of mind that your smoke alarms are working and protecting you and your family.

Why not have your smoke alarms tested annually and take out an annual subscription from $109. 

Safety Switches

Safety Switches

Whilst there is no legislation requiring the testing of safety switches there is a recommendation from the Electrical Safety Office and Australian Standards to test them regularly.

Rental Properties: Under the Electrical Safety Act 2002 rental properties are required by law to have safety switches installed on all power circuits

Buying a property: if you buy a property without a safety switch you must install a safety switch for the power circuits within three months of a property transfer. This applies to any transfer of domestic properties.

Selling a property: Establish a safety switch is installed for power circuits. This must be declared on the standard sales contract and Form 24 Property Transfer.

Our Safety Switch inspections include:

  • Sighting / mechanical (push button) testing.
Corded Blinds

Corded Blinds

In response to the threat posed to children by cords and hanging window furnishings The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) introduced a national mandatory installation standard in 2015 to limit risk of harm.

Our technician will install tensioning devices such as cord guides or cleats and warning labels on all blinds.

Please note our standard service includes fitting warning tags and cleats to up to 10 blinds per property after which we will charge $5 per blind.
Pool Safety

Pool Safety

Under Queensland’s Swimming Pool Safety Laws all pools must be included on a state-based safety register.

A pool safety certificate must be issued by a licensed pool inspector. This certificate is required when selling, buying or leasing a property with a pool.

Certificates are valid for two years (or one year for a shared pool).

Our Pool Safety Compliance inspections include:

  • Comprehensive inspection of your pool barrier
  • Free reinspection if required
  • Non- Conformity notice /report if applicable
  • Pool Safety Certificate
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